Comment to Planners: Tree Retention & Farm Support

I have lived in Kitsap County for almost 30 years. I am in support of Comp Plan Alternative 2 with focused growth in Urban Growth Areas. Plus I would encourage the adoption of tree retention as stated in the 3rdAlternative…so Alternative 2 but with tree retention.

We need to build the health of rural and open spaces in Kitsap through the adoption of Net Ecological Gain.

I urge the Planning Commission to support our local farms, most especially our small farmers who are struggling. Some considerations in support of farming include:

  • Implement agricultural zoning
  • Acquire land or agricultural conservation easements for farming and food production
  • Explore financial incentives such as farm energy audits and tax incentives
  • Implement regulatory reform such as setbacks
  • The Comp Plan needs to distinguish ways to preserve or enhance agricultural resource land from other allowed uses.

Carol, Kitsap County