Center for Sustainable Economy * Center for Responsible Forestry
* Emergency Conservation Committee – PNW
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Port Townsend Community Center, 620 Tyler Street
Enjoy Farmers Market before and after!
Do you know:
That logging is the number one source of greenhouse gas emissions in Jefferson County?
That clear-cutting is making our land more susceptible to wildfires, floods, heat waves, water shortages, invasive species and other threats already on the rise due to climate change?
That the Department of Natural Resources is the single biggest logging outfit in the state and is cutting down the most carbon dense trees?
That if managed well, forests of the Olympic Peninsula can capture and store more carbon per acre than any ecosystem on the planet?
That there is an active and informed citizenry beginning to turn things around?
Please join us in Port Townsend Saturday, September 17th at 11:00 for presentations and a lively discussion of how we can work together to convince our state and local elected officials and public agencies to take immediate actions to reduce the GHG emissions from the logging and wood products sector and scale up climate smart alternatives that present a win-win-win for communities, workers, and the climate.
Daphne Wysham, CEO of Methane Action and Climate Justice Fellow, Center for Sustainable Economy. Why forest protection and restoration efforts are essential for greenhouse gas removal and climate restoration.
John Talberth, Ph.D., President and Senior Economist, Center for Sustainable Economy. The climate impacts of industrial logging operations and what policy interventions are needed to spur a rapid transition to climate smart forestry.
Peter Goldmark, Board Chair, Center for Responsible Forestry, Commissioner of Public Lands 2009-2017. Why older, naturally regenerated “legacy” forests are so important to conserve from a climate and biodiversity standpoint and what we are doing to stop DNR from cutting them down.
Jessica Randall, Director, Emergency Conservation Committee. Worth more standing than cut down: the socio-economic benefits of letting Olympic forests grow.
Q and A – 30 minutes following, moderated by Teri Wright.
Download the event poster here: PT event poster CSE
Center for Sustainable Economy * Center for Responsible Forestry * Emergency Conservation Committee – PNW ________________ PLEASE JOIN US FOR A COMMUNITY EVENT SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17th 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM Port Townsend Community Center, 620 Tyler Street Enjoy Farmers Market before and after! Do you know: That logging is the number one source of […]