Join Kitsap County’s virtual workshop via Zoom. Click here to join ZOOM workshop
For reference, here is our letter sent to county planning staff and commissioners as followup to the Tree Canopy presentation given on July 22.
Briefly, these are some topics of discussion, your comments are welcome:
1. Stage of Development of Regulations: Clarify the development process for this regulation.
2. Intent of Regulations: Differentiate the benefit of tree canopies from the intent of this regulation.
3. Comparison to Pierce County: Go beyond Pierce County’s regulations. For example, Olympia sets a better example.
4. Learning with Other Cities/Counties: Join in a learning process with other cities/counties who are also establishing tree retention/canopy regulations.
5. Best Available Science: Establish Kitsap County as a leader in using best available science.
6. Tree Credits: Give evidence for the appropriateness of the credits given to retained and replacement trees.
7. Trees in Critical Areas: Do not include trees in critical areas as part of tree credits.
8 Requirements for Higher Density Zones: Strengthen tree canopy requirements in high density zones.
9. Protect Kitsap’s Natural Environment and Beauty: Focus on gains in tree protection drawing on the public’s interest in Kitsap’s natural environment and beauty.
10. Suggestions for Virtual Workshop: Conduct the workshop in a way that mobilizes the public’s support for tree retention.
Join Kitsap County’s virtual workshop via Zoom. Click here to join ZOOM workshop For reference, here is our letter sent to county planning staff and commissioners as followup to the Tree Canopy presentation given on July 22. Briefly, these are some topics of discussion, your comments are welcome: 1. Stage of Development of Regulations: Clarify […]