Film: “Last Stand – Saving the Elwha River’s Legacy Forests“
Documentary produced by: EarthLawCenter
Watch the inspiring story of how a community stopped a timber sale along the Elwha River – against all odds. Learn about the global importance of Pacific NW temperate rainforests to mitigate climate change and witness the interconnected web of life upon which salmon, orcas, rivers, forests, and humans all depend. To learn more visit
Discussion: “Forest Defense is Climate and Biodiversity Defense”
John Talberth, Ph.D., President and Senior Economist, Center for Sustainable Economy.
An expert in the climate impacts of industrial logging operations and what policy interventions are needed to spur a rapid transition to climate-smart forestry. Learn more at
Download, print and share poster: Saving PNW Forests flyer
Film: “Last Stand – Saving the Elwha River’s Legacy Forests“ Documentary produced by: EarthLawCenter Watch the inspiring story of how a community stopped a timber sale along the Elwha River – against all odds. Learn about the global importance of Pacific NW temperate rainforests to mitigate climate change and witness the interconnected web of life […]
Village Green Community Center