KEC Steering Committee Meeting

The KEC Steering Committee is responsible for establishing a yearly strategy for the upcoming year that is congruent with the KEC mission and its guiding principles. They provide leadership for implementation of the strategy and engage the public.

This month’s Steering Committee meeting will be in-person @ the Village Green Community Center, 26159 Dulay Rd NE, Kingston, WA 98346. The Steering Committee will be reviewing their work to date related to their five work groups and planning next activities. Three of the work groups are related to Kitsap County policy areas: Comprehensive Plan Update, Critical Areas Ordinance Update, and Parks, Recreation, and Open Space (PROS) plan update. The other two work groups are the Education group and the Communications group. All KEC members and interested public are welcome to attend.

2024-04-18 18:30 2024-04-18 20:00 America/Los_Angeles KEC Steering Committee Meeting

The KEC Steering Committee is responsible for establishing a yearly strategy for the upcoming year that is congruent with the KEC mission and its guiding principles. They provide leadership for implementation of the strategy and engage the public. This month’s Steering Committee meeting will be in-person @ the Village Green Community Center, 26159 Dulay Rd […]

Village Green Community Center