Public Works Open House – North Kitsap Service Center

Public Works Open House
on North Kitsap Service Center 
Wednesday, May 4th 5:30 pm

As you may know, KEC has been interacting with the County Public Works Department for the last couple years about its roadside spraying and more recently about the location of its new North Kitsap Service Center (NKSC).This is the new road maintenance and household hazardous waste collection facility near the intersection of Bond Road NE and NE Gunderson Road.

The next county meeting about the NKSC design is Wednesday, May 4 at 5:30 pm by Zoom. To join the meeting go to Updated documents on the project are available at http//

Please join the meeting to help ensure that onsite wetlands are protected and other safety concerns are addressed for this environmentally sensitive parcel that is part of the headwaters of Gamble Creek. We encourage you to make public comment at the meeting and/or send comments before or after the meeting

2022-05-04 17:30 2022-05-04 18:30 America/Los_Angeles Public Works Open House – North Kitsap Service Center

Public Works Open House on North Kitsap Service Center Wednesday, May 4th 5:30 pm As you may know, KEC has been interacting with the County Public Works Department for the last couple years about its roadside spraying and more recently about the location of its new North Kitsap Service Center (NKSC).This is the new road maintenance […]

Zoom Meeting