Comp Plan Comment to BOCC: Rural Preservation
on April 17, 2024Kitsap County is at a turning point. We ask that you, our Commissioners, act carefully with thought for the future, for the uncertainties of climate change and…
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Comp Plan Comment to BOCC: Climate Change
on April 15, 2024Good evening. I’m April Ryan from Kingston, and I appreciate this opportunity to participate in planning our future together. I’m also a co-chair of the KEC Steering…
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Comp Plan Comment to BOCC: KEC Ten Principles
on April 15, 2024Good evening. I’m Beverly Parsons from Hansville. I’m co-chair of the Kitsap Environmental Coalition Steering Committee and speaking on their behalf. We deeply value diversity, caring, inclusion and…
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Get Involved in Kitsap’s Comp Plan Update
on April 5, 2024Kitsap County is updating its Comprehensive Plan—a blueprint for local policies, planning and capital facility investment with long-term implications for Kitsap residents’ quality…
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Ten Principles for the Preferred Land Use Decision
on April 4, 2024Ten Principles for the Preferred Land Use Decision On March 26, the Kitsap County Planning Commission released its recommendation for the preferred land use alternative for the County’s…
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