Planning Commission Hearing 3.5 – Voice Your Comments – Kitsap Environmental Coalition

Planning Commission Hearing 3.5 – Voice Your Comments

Don’t miss this important opportunity to make your public comment about the Comprehensive Plan. The County Planning Commission is holding a public hearing about the Comprehensive Plan on Tuesday March 5th at 5:30pm.

The Board of County Commissioners has the final decision, but this Planning Commission recommendation is important as well.

You may want to think about saying something about the overall preservation of Kitsap’s remaining forestlands, as there are several rezoning requests in the Comprehensive Plan similar to Raydient’s, such as the Island Lake proposed development in Silverdale.

Alternative 2 preserves Rural Kitsap from suburban sprawl by limiting growth to Urban Growth Areas (UGAs), and not rezoning outside of the UGAs.

You can attend by Zoom and make a three-minute comment at the hearing. Public comment by Zoom is easy to do and very effective, well worth the time.


It takes us all to protect Kitsap’s natural environment.

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