Comp Plan Comment to BOCC: Rural Preservation – Kitsap Environmental Coalition

Comp Plan Comment to BOCC: Rural Preservation

Kitsap County is at a turning point. We ask that you, our Commissioners, act carefully with thought for the future, for the uncertainties of climate change and the stewarding of our precious natural resources and wildlife. We don’t want expanding suburban sprawl that destroys what is most valuable here.

Alternative 2 appears to be the best choice for meeting growth while protecting rural areas, and gives us the best chance for development that protects the environment that we all depend on.

However, Alternative 2 cannot have loopholes, there needs to be strong guardrails and programs that deliver the targeted outcome we want—growth concentrated in urban areas and preservation of rural areas and natural resources.

Too much unwise development has already happened in the County, and there is development in the pipeline that we will be seeing unfold in the coming years, such as the Arborwood development and Port Gamble Redevelopment in North Kitsap.

We need to stop and hold fast to what we have left, to achieve a meaningful growth plan that balances the need for affordable and middle-income housing with care for remaining natural resources.

No further Limited Areas of More Intensive Rural Development (LAMIRD) should be added.

Rural rezone requests such as the Island Lake development in Central Kitsap, and the Bond Road Raydient request in North Kitsap are not compatible with the goals for careful growth targeted to urban growth areas, and for protection of rural qualities and natural resources. Both of these rezones would continue down the road of destructive development that destroys needed natural areas and does not concentrate growth in already impacted designated urban growth areas. Please deny these rezones and others like them. We need to do better and chart a smarter course.

We are counting on you, Commissioners, to safeguard the qualities that make Kitsap County special, while balancing for growth.  Thank you.

Beth, Kitsap County