Use the following information gathered by the KEC Working Group to inform your own comments (Overview) here: PROS Plan Public Comment Form
Organization of PROS Plan
The organization of the plan needs improvement.
Here are examples of improvements needed in the organization of the plan:
- Figure 1-1(p.8) appears to be a depiction of the order of the chapters. The Demand and Needs Analysis chapter is shown as coming before the Goals and Objectives chapter. These are reversed in the text.
- Most of the first four pages of the Overview and the Demand & Needs Analysis chapter seems more logically to fit in the Inventory & Assessment chapter which provides background and the general picture of the context for the PROS Plan.
- The information about Vision is scattered and, in one case, inaccurate. The Kitsap County vision statement (p. 17) that opens the Planning Context of the Draft PROS plan section is stated as “from the approved 2024 Kitsap County Comprehensive Plan.” That is incorrect. The vision statement given there is from the 2018 Kitsap County Comprehensive Plan.
- On pages 101 and following, the County’s 2024 Comprehensive Plan vision is mixed in a confusing way with the vision of the Parks Department staff.
- Overall, the plan seems wordy, repetitive, and unfocused.
Use this information gathered by the KEC Working Group to inform your own comments (Overview section) here: PROS Plan Public Comment Form
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