Trails – Mixed Use and Safety Enforcement – Kitsap Environmental Coalition

Trails – Mixed Use and Safety Enforcement

Use the following information gathered by the KEC Working Group to inform your own comments (Public Involvement section) here: PROS Plan Public Comment Form

Trails: Mixed Use and Safety Enforcement

trail collision

Many of the trails/roads in Heritage Parks are multiuse mixing bicycle, horse and pedestrian traffic. Many walkers are accompanied by pets on leash. When bicyclists exceed 10 MPH, this creates a dangerous situation. In Appendix D under safety concerns, several respondents voiced their concern about excessive bike speeds on these trails. Shouldn’t the 2025 PROS Plan address ways to control excessive bicycle speeds in county parks such as signage at park entrances and additional monitoring? This is of particular concern in Port Gamble Forest Heritage Park.

Park speed limits. Kitsap County code requirements:

10.12.100 Riding vehicles or animals.

It is unlawful to ride or drive any motor vehicle, bicycle, tricycle or other self-propelled vehicle or any horse or other animal through any park except along and upon park roads and such trails as are marked for bicycles, horses or motorcycles; or at speeds in excess of ten miles per hour; or to park any vehicle except in areas designated by the park director.


Use this information gathered by the KEC Working Group to inform your own comments (Public Involvement section) here: PROS Plan Public Comment Form

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