Capital Improvement Plan – Kitsap Environmental Coalition

Capital Improvement Plan

Use the following information gathered by the KEC Working Group to inform your own comments (Capital Improvement Plan section) here: PROS Plan Public Comment Form

Capital Improvement Plan

The foundation for the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) is framed around four themes —

(a) Conservation and Landscape Resiliency;

(b) Connectivity and Trail Development;

(c) Access and Safety; and

(d) Recreation Facilities and Amenities.

However, the prioritization among these themes is not clear nor are the priorities among the long list of possible CIP projects.

The Capital Improvement Plan section of the Draft Plan (pp. 113-128) focuses on four areas:

(a) Conservation and Landscape Resiliency;

(b) Connectivity and Trail Development;

(c) Access and Safety; and

(d) Recreation Facilities and Amenities.

These categories were presented on p.61 as the four themes from the public survey #2 on Project Visioning/Community Mapping. Yet the priorities among these four areas are not clear. It is also not clear how data from interviews and open houses were included. 

Further, it is not clear what the priorities are within the four areas in Table 6-3 -CIP List-Matrix on pages 122-128. It seems to be a very long list without priorities. 

Another issue is that inadequate information is provided about Funding Options (Table 6-2)  to know which of these options are most likely to be worthwhile to pursue. For example, does Parks or other departments have connections that can be leverage to pursue the funding sources that are most likely to be successful?

Use this information gathered by the KEC Working Group to inform your own comments (Capital Improvement Plan section) here: PROS Plan Public Comment Form

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