• Comp Plan Comment to BOCC: KEC Ten Principles 

    Good evening. I’m Beverly Parsons from Hansville. I’m co-chair of the Kitsap Environmental Coalition Steering Committee and speaking on their behalf. We deeply value diversity, caring, inclusion, and grounding in our orientation to science.
    Earlier today, we submitted comments online outlining ten principles about the preferred land use decision and its implementation.

  • Get Involved in Kitsap’s Comp Plan Update

    Kitsap County is updating its Comprehensive Plan—a blueprint for local policies, planning and capital facility investment with long-term implications for Kitsap residents’ quality of life and the county’s environmental health. It’s important that you make your views known to the county commissioners, advisory groups and staff involved in this planning process at complan@kitsap.gov. […]

  • Ten Principles for the Preferred Land Use Decision

    On March 26, the Kitsap County Planning Commission released its recommendation for the preferred land use alternative for the County’s 2024 Comprehensive Plan. We of the Kitsap Environmental Coalition (KEC) Steering Committee support the direction of the recommendation and we look forward to continuing to work with the County toward the completion of this Plan that will define the future of Kitsap. That work should be guided, we believe, by the following principles

  • Planning Commission Hearing 3.5 – Voice Your Comments

    Don’t miss this important opportunity to make your public comment about the Comprehensive Plan. The County Planning Commission makes recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners about the Comprehensive Plan. The Planning Commission has a public hearing scheduled on Tuesday March 5th at 5:30pm. […]

  • Comment to Planners: Better Transportation Planning

    Reclassifying rural property that encourages sprawl instead of focusing on growth in Urban Growth Areas will prevent Kitsap County from successfully enacting Comprehensive Plan policies and strategies for transportation and the new climate goals. Urban Growth Areas provide opportunities for multimodal transportation, focusing on routes that move people efficiently through centralized areas.