KEC Presents: Growing Healthy Soils to Feed the World
Posted on April 23, 2024In the documentary Into the Soil, we follow Brigid LeFevre, who runs a community-supported agriculture operation (CSO) in Järna, Sweden. The members support this regenerative agriculture operation with money or hands-on help in the garden. […]
Comp Plan Comment to BOCC: Non-Motorized Transportation
Posted on April 17, 2024I would like to focus your attention on the detailed and thorough submission by Paul Dutky of the West Sound Cycling Club (pages 199 through 311 of the Comprehensive plan comments). These are in regard to the County’s non-motorized transportation plan and how the needs for bike facilities has been inadequate all over North, Central and South Kitsap. […}
Comp Plan Comment to BOCC: Rural Preservation
Posted on April 17, 2024Kitsap County is at a turning point. We ask that you, our Commissioners, act carefully with thought for the future, for the uncertainties of climate change and the stewarding of our precious natural resources and wildlife. We don’t want expanding suburban sprawl that destroys what is most valuable here. […}
Show Your Love for KEC Today
Posted on April 16, 2024Today is a great day to help Kitsap Environmental Coalition protect fresh air, living soil, and thriving forests with your donation. Multiply your contribution—urge your family and friends to do likewise. Donors receive a postcard with artwork from KEC members showing their love of Kitsap and its natural world. Thank you, from all of us […]
Comp Plan Comment to BOCC: Climate Change
Posted on April 15, 2024Good evening. I’m April Ryan from Kingston, and I appreciate this opportunity to participate in planning our future together. I’m also a co-chair of the KEC Steering Committee. However, tonight, I’m speaking for myself about the important step the County has made in adding Climate Change to the Comprehensive Plan. […]