• Planning Commission Hearing 3.5 – Voice Your Comments

    Don’t miss this important opportunity to make your public comment about the Comprehensive Plan. The County Planning Commission makes recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners about the Comprehensive Plan. The Planning Commission has a public hearing scheduled on Tuesday March 5th at 5:30pm. […]

  • KEC Presents: Beyond Climate

    Beyond Climate takes viewers beyond the headlines and into the heart of the issues. Renowned environmentalist Dr. David Suzuki holistically connects the larger patterns of climate change with the human dimension, and what it looks like across from across the Salish Sea to the Okanogan Valley. […]

  • Bioblitz at PGFHP on April 27

    Save the date: April 27 for a Bioblitz at PGFHP. Help our Kitsap Parks Dept. inventory plants, animals, and fungi in their natural environment. Team up with animal and plant experts to find, observe, identify, and document park wildlife. All ages are welcome, including children accompanied by adults. Learn more, and register. […]

  • Comment to Planners: Better Transportation Planning

    Reclassifying rural property that encourages sprawl instead of focusing on growth in Urban Growth Areas will prevent Kitsap County from successfully enacting Comprehensive Plan policies and strategies for transportation and the new climate goals. Urban Growth Areas provide opportunities for multimodal transportation, focusing on routes that move people efficiently through centralized areas.

  • Comment to Planners: Tree Retention & Farm Support

    I support Comp Plan Alternative 2 with focused growth in Urban Growth Areas. Plus, I encourage the adoption of tree retention. We need to build the health of rural and open spaces in Kitsap through the adoption of Net Ecological Gain and support our local farms, especially our small farmers who are struggling.