• Comp Plan Comment to BOCC: KEC Ten Principles 

    Good evening. I’m Beverly Parsons from Hansville. I’m co-chair of the Kitsap Environmental Coalition Steering Committee and speaking on their behalf. We deeply value diversity, caring, inclusion, and grounding in our orientation to science.
    Earlier today, we submitted comments online outlining ten principles about the preferred land use decision and its implementation.

  • Joshua Wright, an inspiration to Youth and all who care about the environment

    Twenty-year-old Joshua Wright has been an activist since he was 14. He got his start with Fridays For Future and documentary filmmaking and has been intimately involved in forest conservation and advocacy since 2020. His work has involved advocacy, civil disobedience, mapping of rare ecosystems, organizing with tribes and documenting endangered species in both Washington State and British Columbia.[…]

  • Get Involved in Kitsap’s Comp Plan Update

    Kitsap County is updating its Comprehensive Plan—a blueprint for local policies, planning and capital facility investment with long-term implications for Kitsap residents’ quality of life and the county’s environmental health. It’s important that you make your views known to the county commissioners, advisory groups and staff involved in this planning process at complan@kitsap.gov. […]

  • Ten Principles for the Preferred Land Use Decision

    On March 26, the Kitsap County Planning Commission released its recommendation for the preferred land use alternative for the County’s 2024 Comprehensive Plan. We of the Kitsap Environmental Coalition (KEC) Steering Committee support the direction of the recommendation and we look forward to continuing to work with the County toward the completion of this Plan that will define the future of Kitsap. That work should be guided, we believe, by the following principles

  • KEC Presents: Earth-Soil-Plant-Animal-Humans…The Environmental Cost of our Food

    Our Conversations about Climate Action for April explores the relationships that form our food with three films: Eating Our Way to Extinction, Into the Soil: The Wisdom of Regenerative Farming, and Changing Paradigms: The Power of Regenerative Agriculture. Our guest speaker, Renee Ziemann from Full Tilth Farm, will join our conversation about community support of local farming […]